
Showing posts from May, 2022

Walk Cycle

  I wanted to play with backgrounds in my walk cycle to convey movement. My characters is very bumpy, maybe its a rocky path at the base of the mountains, but the mountains behind him were enjoyable. With every project there's always room for improvement but overall, this project is one I'm happy with and enjoyed.

Head Turns

  This head turn took some serious time. Although it is just a quick second, this is probably my fifth draft of a head turn and trying to convey that motion. It was definitely rewarding getting closer to a polished product, and had I had more time I would've continued to improve on the piece but for this one, time was most definitely my enemy.


  The dialgoue project was very time consuming, and something even as simple as this little piece took many many tries, and even more redraws. I am happy with how it finished and I'd say the roughness matches the rigid character. A copout? idk. A style choice? Maybe. Mostly with this character I just wanted to convey a feeling that I got from the song which I think was accomplished.


  To shot weight I made this cute little dude who doesn't have much muscle to him. I enjoyed animating this one but I do think I enjoy animating inanimate objects more because its easier (go figure) but also because I liked in the others trying to convey emotion without necessarily expressing it in a face or something so human.

Flour Sack

  My flour sack animation was very enjoyable to make. Originally I was just gonna have one flour sac crash down onto the other, but when the volume shifted to one side, I figured I had to drop a second flour sac onto the original one haha.

Overlapping Action

  This pendulum did take a little bit of time to animate but I believe it is worth it as I'm happy with the final project. This was the most satisfying of the animations I've made so far.

Bouncing Ball

  For the bouncing ball assignment I wanted to do something a little more practical then just a ball bouncing across the screen, so I came up with this! An accurate portrayal of how I usually play pool.